You might know the story of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, coming to visit him in Exodus 18. If every visit we had with relatives paid off like this visit did, we would encourage more visits.

Moses was leading the nation of Israel, 2 million plus people who had grown up in slavery. That’s not a job one volunteers for, it has to be a calling. Even when it is a calling that comes with certain gifts and talents, there is still so much more to learn, to lead well.

After their greeting, dinner and a sleep, Moses goes back to work the next day. Jethro observes how Moses stands before the people all day, judging between the issues and problems they had. He taught them God’s Statues (His Word). Big job, Big days. Jethro talks to Moses and says, “Why do you do this alone, standing before the people all day? This thing you do is not good.” I doubt these were the words Moses expected to hear. But he listened to Jethro’s counsel and changed the way he functioned as a leader. Here are 4 things he had to change for himself and the good of the nation.

  1. He had to stop trying to do everything himself – Leaders don’t work alone.
  2. He needed to start working with Teams – Teams divide the effort and multiply the success.
  3. He had to learn to recognize leaders and put them into position – He had leaders, he just didn’t know how to recognize and use them.
  4. He had to delegate according to his leaders’ character and capacity – Leaders Delegate they do not Dump.

Moses changed, we can too. His problem was much more structural than spiritual. Many of us tried to pray more, study more, renew our commitments and we were still almost underwater. Moses would have worn himself and the people out if he hadn’t changed. Neither God nor the Church wants or needs more burned out ministers.

John Grunewald

This article was first featured on RHEMA Europe, Africa, Middle East News. You can visit their website here