Help Train Christians in Churches and Bible Schools

Our Impact

Extend your influence through a trusted partner, taking the gospel to those you may never meet

RBTC's Around the World

There are approximately 730-750 million people in Europe and best estimates are 4% are born again. In addition, there is only one gospel oriented church for every 25,000 people in Europe. We are thankful to be making a dent in these statistics with our 37 European campuses, and we look forward to growing exponentially in the years to come as we see Europe won for

Bible Schools

Once someone is saved, they need to be taught so they can go into all the world. Bible schools are one of the most effective ways to accelerate a person’s spiritual growth.

(Two or more years from launch)

A new Campus launch in a new nation begins about two and a half years out from the actual launch date. Lots of research, planning and cost estimates tailored to the specific location, regular travel in/out of a nation and prayer, preparing the official Campus Proposal for submission, and raising launch funds.

(12-18 months from launch)

Campus coordinators/directors need to be in place and getting themselves and the work for the campus ready. Continuing to meet with church leaders, team building, translation of documents, any legal steps necessary, promotion and tweaking launch budget and monthly budget, travel in/out of the nation, and raising launch funds are all priorities.

(6-12 months from launch)

Fine-tune all areas of preparation, equipment purchases, venue finalized, team building, and training.
Promotion & information meetings stepped up, application acceptance, finalize teaching schedule, continued travel in/out of the nation and raising launch funds.

(3 months from launch)

Finalize larger equipment purchases, maximizing all marketing and promotion avenues, people (teams) in place, finalizing team responsibilities, accepting applications, and covering all future students in prayer, and if necessary, finalize launch funds.