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Greater European Book Project

We are raising funds to publish 25 Word of Faith books in 34 language zones represented in Europe. This represents a total of 850 books. We are left with 400+ to finish this project. These are books that each student needs for Bible Schools, and they can go ahead of us into nations, going where we might never go – into homes.


We use skilled translators so that each book meets the highest standards of literature in each country

Editing & Proofing

This part goes hand-in-hand with translation so that each work is of excellent quality


Each project cost includes the initial printing of 2000 copies

Current Projects

"Now you can go anywhere, from the Baltics to the Balkans"

To start the Baltics to the Balkans it will take $55,000.

By planting Bible School Campuses in 17 more nations, we can complete this region of Europe!

Baltics to the Balkans Campuses
$678 / $55k 1%

Send our team for $28,000 to build individuals so we can continue to build teams.

Before we expand geographically, we continually expand teams. This is always a significant investment of our time. We will be taking more team members with us to Wels, Austria, Lusaka, Zambia, and Bonn Germany for Rhema Germany’s 25th Anniversary & graduation.

International Team Building Trip
$0k/$28k 0%

To finish the Latvian book translation it will take a total of $35,000.

These are books that each student needs for Bible Schools. These translated books can go ahead of us into nations, going where we might never go – into homes.

Latvian Book Translation
$9k/$35k 25%

Fully Funded Projects

RBTC School Launch: Latvia
Fully Funded 100%
RBTC School Launch: Poland
Fully Funded 100%
Faroese Book Translation: In Him
Fully Funded 100%
Estonian Book Translation: How to Turn Your Faith Loose
Fully Funded 100%
Polish Book Translation: The Believer's Authority
Fully Funded 100%
German Book Translation: All Titles
Fully Funded 100%
Hungarian Book Translation: All Titles
Fully Funded 100%