In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus instructed believers to go and make disciples of all nations. Rhema’s School of World Missions (USA) prepares you to do exactly that! Established to equip laborers who feel called to long term cross-cultural ministry, the program addresses both the spiritual and natural sides of being a successful missionary. A variety of teaching methods, resources, and technologies are used, including survival training and a cultural immersion weekend
During the fourth term of Rhema’s School of World Missions, all students take part in a missions internship program. The one-month internship allows students to serve and learn directly under missionaries. Many students return with a changed perspective of the world and a real understanding of what it means to be a missionary. They say the entire RSWM experience is like no other!
This month missionaries from RHEMA Europe, Africa, Middle East are hosting 6 RSWM students. These students are interning in Botswana, Europe, Lebanon and Zambia.
You Can Help
They need your prayers! Please pray the following for them as they take the message of faith to the nations.
Prayer Points:
- Safety as they travel
- The hosts and host nations they go to
- To be led by the Holy Spirit in all they do
- For the eternal impact to be significant
- Direction from the Lord as they continue to train and prepare for life as a missionary
More of God’s Power?
By Sarah Grunewald – RSWM Intern to Europe
A common prayer in the body of Christ is “God, we need more of Your power!”, or “God send your fire, send your power!”. Growing up going to youth conferences as a teenager and now working with youth, I hear this all the time – and it is a genuine desire in young people to experience God’s power. How can we experience God’s power to ignite revival in this generation?
We can agree that the early Church were some of the most “on fire” believers in the history of the Church. Recorded in the book of Acts, we can see how the gospel spread with signs, wonders and miracles confirming the Word that was preached – Jesus is alive and is ready to save, heal & deliver the oppressed & afflicted. People were being raised from the dead, delivered from demon possession, miracles and healings were prevalent and whole cities were repenting and turning to God as the Holy Spirit moved.If we desire a move of God on the level that the early Church experienced – shouldn’t we be replicating them? I truly desire a move of God for our generation, and God has given us the answer of how this will happen in His Word.
1. Jesus told the disciples to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
When the disciples asked Jesus if He was to restore the Kingdom of Israel at this time, Jesus told them instead what they really needed to know “…You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses… (Acts 1:6-8). We see this Word come to pass on the day of Pentecost: Acts 2:2-4…
To continue reading this article Click Here.

Two Are Better Than One
by Michelle Grunewald
In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, it tells us that two are better than one. For if one falls the other is there to help keep him up and a threefold cord is not easily broken.
This is the picture of agreement. We can help hold each other in faith. This is powerful! We see in Matthew 18:19 that when we agree about anything that we ask, we shall receive.
Let’s make sure that we take advantage of this powerful tool of God’s word. We can come together and agree. Make sure you ask the right questions, so you are sure you both are in agreement and then ask together and you will receive! What an awesome tool for the family and friends in Christ.

#EastAfricaFaithConference2019 is with us again.
#28thTo31stMay2019 #MarkYourCalendars
Registration not required.
Connect with RHEMA Kenya here

“Over the years, we’ve been blessed to have Reverend Marty Blackwelder minister at our church. His own personal relationship and intimacy with God is evident to the people of our congregation through his heart-moving ministry in music, an undeniable sensitivity to the Spirit of God, and practical delivery of powerful revelation from the Word. As he ministers the truth in love, you can see faith rise in the hearts of the people resulting in abundant joy and freedom.”
Marty Blackwelder’s teaching will encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk. His ministry is known as one of joy, faith, healing, and the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit.