“One of the best ways to move beyond past pain is to have a future purpose.” 

– Tony Cooke 

Many people have experienced pain this past 18+ months. We have lost family and friends like many others. People have lost jobs and got stuck inside which led to other kinds of pain. These things cannot be avoided in a fallen world. It certainly seems like we are in the last days of this dispensation – if not God is missing a great opportunity. 🙂

As we look for the return of Christ for the church we can and must still be filled with His purposes. This lost world we are living in needs every believer actively pursuing God’s purposes. There are many things we might not know but here are some things we do know and we can put our hearts, hands, and minds towards these things.

1. We know we are to be active in Building the Church Matthew 16:18

This certainly speaks to our involvement in building the universal church or Body of Christ. Most people will fulfill this by being a part of their local church. But let’s say it is about building people into the image of Christ through discipleship. 

Action question: Who are we discipling today? Who is discipling us?

2. We know Jesus gave the church Authority to carry out His purposes and will on the earth. Matthew 16:19

Authority is most often released through words. 

Action Question: In our everyday life are we using our words to promote the light of the gospel, set people free, and speak His will into the earth? Are we coming against the darkness of this fallen world?

3. We know we are to Go Make Disciples! Mark 16:15-20, Matthew 28:18-20

“Go” means some action is required whether this is next door or somewhere else in the world. It is a way to expand God’s reach through believers by replicating ourselves. We should never look at these verses as being fulfilled by just the pastor. It is the responsibility of every believer.

Action Question: What does “Go” mean for my life?

4. We not only have the authority from the head of the church, He endued us with His very power to accomplish His will. Acts 1:8

What a beautiful and ingenious plan God has to help us making disciples and spreading the gospel. We don’t have to rely just on ourselves to accomplish this. He sent the Holy Spirit to empower believers to fulfill all of His Plans and Purposes on the earth.

Action Question: How am I staying filled with the spirit and allowing him to work in and through me?

5. We know we are to Equip the Saints – He wants everyone to go through the process of Discipleship so they can give their unique supply to strengthen the body. Ephesians 4:11-16

This discipleship theme is all over the new testament. There is a purpose in this process and that is to bring every person to the place where they can give their unique supply to the body. We humans can cover our unique supply with all sorts of fears, personality traits, etc. It is necessary that all these are overcome so we shine. 

Action Question: Are we discovering and developing this unique supply? Are we in a place where this is happening on purpose?

6. We know the Word of God is our basis, our authority, our instruction and direction, the beginning and end of equipping, and where we find our purpose for living. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This is powerful if believed and acted upon. No matter what is happening in our lives or the world a great question to ask is, “What does the Word say?” Today many voices and circumstances are pulling us away from the authority of God’s Word. This issue is dangerous and leads to all worts of undesirable thoughts and actions on our part.

Action Question: Do I believe God’s Word is divinely inspired and the final authority? If so, how am I living this out? If not, why not? What must I do to change this?

7. We know He wants us to pass on intentionally what we have learned. Not just for others to hear & observe but learn, live and pass on. 2 Timothy 2:2

I call this process the Discipleship Continuum. If we don’t pass on what we know we can become the equivalent of the stagnant and diving pond. No one grows more than the teacher.  This process gives us all an opportunity to be a teacher and a student. It requires some time but the time is very rewarding. We all know more than someone else so don’t be afraid to give this a try. Find a good Bible-based book to read through together and talk about it.

Action Question: Where and with who can I start this process? Don’t put it off.

God’s purpose for all of us is amazing! Let’s keep working together and accomplish more than we could by ourselves.

John, Michelle, and The Grunewald Ministries Team

 “There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.” 

– Admiral William Halsey