In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, it tells us that two are better than one. For if one falls the other is there to help keep him up and a threefold cord is not easily broken.
This is the picture of agreement. We can help hold each other in faith. This is powerful! We see in Matthew 18:19 that when we agree about anything that we ask, we shall receive.
Let’s make sure that we take advantage of this powerful tool of God’s word. We can come together and agree. Make sure you ask the right questions, so you are sure you’re both are in agreement, and then pray together, asking God for what you need, and you will receive! What an awesome tool for family and friends in Christ!
We invite you to check out our Youtube channel to see our How to Pray series, where we help you understand how to pray for anyone and anything.
This article was first published in RHEMA Europe, Africa, Middle East news on rhema.eu